Kiriyat Menachem Begin, Jerusalem

Discover the allure of Kiriyat Menachem Begin, a captivating neighborhood nestled in the heart of Jerusalem. Enveloped in rich history and cultural vibrancy, this community embodies the spirit of Menachem Begin, one of Israel’s esteemed leaders. Immerse yourself in a tapestry of modern living seamlessly woven with traditional charm. With its picturesque streets and welcoming atmosphere, Kiriyat Menachem Begin invites you to explore its unique blend of heritage and contemporary lifestyle. From scenic parks to bustling markets, experience the rhythm of daily life against the backdrop of Jerusalem’s iconic landscapes. Uncover the essence of a neighborhood where past and present harmoniously coexist. Welcome to Kiriyat Menachem Begin – where history meets home.

                                                                                                  STREET NAMES 

Aharon Katzir
George Adam Smith
HaUniversita HaIvrit
Itzhak HaNadiv

Levi Eshkol
Sderot HaUniversita HaIvrit
Sderot Shayeret Har HaTsofim
Sheshet HaYamim
Wadi Al-Joz