Beit Yisroel, Jerusalem

Welcome to Beit Yisroel, an enchanting destination nestled in the heart of Jerusalem. Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of history and culture that defines this sacred city. Our meticulously designed accommodations offer a harmonious blend of modern luxury and traditional charm, ensuring a truly unforgettable stay. Discover the magic of Jerusalem as you explore nearby iconic landmarks such as the Western Wall and the Old City. At Beit Yisroel, we pride ourselves on providing a warm and inviting haven for travelers seeking an authentic Jerusalem experience. Whether you’re here for pilgrimage, leisure, or business, let Beit Yisroel be your home in the Holy City.

                                                                                       STREET NAMES

Adoniyahu HaCohen
Avinoam Yalin
Baal HaTanya
Baruch Rapaport
Beit Israel
Betzalel Askenazi
Chevrat Mishnayot
Chevrat Shas
Chevrat Tehilim

Choni Ha’Meagel
David Ben Amram
David Freidman
Ein Yaakov
Ephraim Orbach
Ha’admor Rabbi Shlomo
Ha’Emuna Alley
Ha’Rav Adani